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Our Mission

The Mission of Marina Private Hospital is to provide compassionate, accessible, high quality, cost effective healthcare to the community; to promote health; to educate healthcare professionals; and to participate in appropriate clinical research.





Marina Private Hospital

The hospital project was designed to be a distinctive icon in providing the best medical services to patients around the clock and covers about 4 million people in Baghdad.

The standards of the Iraqi Ministry of Health and international quality have been adopted in all construction joints, and the hospital has been provided with all pharmaceutical equipment and medical supplies from the sober, internationally approved mansions to provide health protection for the hospital’s visitors.

The hospital was also equipped with electronic computers and special programs to save patient files to ensure confidentiality and speed of patient movement within the hospital departments.

 To achieve this goal, medical and administrative competencies have been used that are able to provide distinguished medical services and are able to communicate with medical personnel coming to the country.

Marina Private Hospital was established on a total area of ​​4000 square meters. The building occupies about 1094 square meters, and the rest occupies gardens and parking lots.

The building consists of G + 6 floors, with a total initial capacity of about 60 beds, with a distinctive view of the capital, Baghdad, and a future plan to double this number.

The ground floor consists of the administrative and emergency departments (9 beds)

 And X rays

(Sonar, X-ray, Spiral Phrase and Magnetic Resonance) and pharmacy.

The first floor includes consulting clinics, laboratories, dental departments (4), ophthalmology, and cosmetology

The floors 2, 3 and 4 contain sleeping rooms for hospital inmates (38)

As for the fifth floor, it includes the women's operating halls (4), the natural delivery halls (3), and the external fertilization center

The 6th floor consists of operating theaters (5) and intensive care (4)

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Marina Private Hospital
مستشفى مارينا الاهلي

Patient Rights & Duties
 حقوق المريض وواجباته 

Terms and Conditions
 الأحكام والشروط

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